finally crossing the finishing line….



Last week I become an aunt for the first time (yay).But since I found out about impending birth I’ve been planning this baby quilt, which has been so long in the works I was happy to pass it over to its rightful owner.

I have written about the process of this quilt here Once it was done It did look good. The block was sourced from The fat quarterly Shape workshop for quilters, which is a brilliant book (apologies for the Amazon link if you can get it from an independent retailer do it!)

wpid-2014-10-18-16.13.32.jpg.jpegIt was a Katy Jones design (I am always drawn to her stuff) but I did need to reduce it over and over again until I got the little 6″ squares. I over cut the fabric again but this time I was just happy that “hey I may have all these wasted squares but I do not have to do another block! ” The other squares were from Birch Fabrics’ Yay  Day range (not overly easy to find in the UK, this one had to come in my friend’s hand luggage from New York). Then had to add a border of Kona Tomato around each one as I lost most of the original border in seam allowances.

The whole thing was at least 5cm smaller than I wanted it to be, which looking at photos still bothers me but it’s wide enough to wrap him in it.

But’s all done now with a custom-made label I got made up (oh the donut (me) forgot to take a picture of the back) and the baby looks quite nonchalant about it all. (I’m sure he will love it when his older……)


In other fabric news Halloween quilt almost done, I did try again to do some free motion quilting and I chicken out/ failed again. I really need to take some sort of course . I also feel it took away from the whole design of the quilt so I had to unpick it. That thing took 4 flipping hours over 2 DAYS… to get rid of every stitch. Like I said I need a course, preferably not one that is going to cost 80 quid…


That is all for today. Nothing for the music this week. I could talk whimsically about the old shoegazer band Ride but I’ll save that for another post. You are now free to go about your other daily business.